A-V Impulse™ foot compression system
美国柯惠A-V Impulse™ 动静脉足泵系统
- 产品编码:A-V6060
- 产品品牌:美国泰科
下肢深静脉血栓形成(DVT)是指血液在深静脉系统内不正常的凝结,是一种常见病和多发病,致残率高并有一定的死亡率.下肢深静脉血栓形成(DVT)与肺栓塞(pulmonaryembolism,PE)直接关联,肺栓塞的栓子约90%来源于下肢深静脉血栓DVT形成隐匿,常常在血栓脱落后随血流堵塞肺动脉.因此积极预防和治疗DVT是预防肺栓塞的关键.在预防DVT发生的研究中,虽然应用抗凝药物明显降低了DVT的发生率,但采用药物以外的方法来预防DVT的发生越来越受到重视.ICU患者具有高龄、卧床时间长、凝血功能异常、多脏器功能衰竭等多种危险因素,因此预防DVT的发生尤为重要.已有研究证明,美国柯惠A-V Impulse™ 动静脉足泵系统可有效预防危重患者DVT的发生。
Mimics the Natural Hemodynamic Action of Normal Ambulation
A-V Impulse™ foot compression system helps to prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary Embolism (PE) by mimicking the natural hemodynamic process of walking and weight bearing. Upon every step, the plantar arch is flattened, causing an immediate evacuation of blood from the plexus of veins in the bottom of the foot. This action sends a column of blood up the leg and back to the heart. The ImPad™ rigid sole foot covers are designed with a hard sole, which contains and directs the impulse to the bottom of the foot. This action mimics the natural hemodynamic effect of ambulation and has been clinically proven to reduce this incidence of VTE as well as post operative swelling and pain.
The A-V Impulse™ foot compression system is indicated to aid in the prevention of DVT and PE, relief of circulatory disorders due to diminished blood flow such as ischemia secondary to peripheral vascular disease, reduction of acute and chronic edema, and treatment of venous stasis, venous insufficiency, and varicose veins.
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美国柯惠A-V Impulse™ 动静脉足泵系统产品网址:https://www.kuqiw.cn/524/140190.html
品牌 | 美国柯惠A-V Impulse™ 动静脉足泵系统 | 单价 | 面议 | 起订 | 1 套 |
供货总量 | 2222 套 | 发货期限 | 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货 | 所在地 | 江苏 常州市 |