标王 热搜: 开关  电解水机  上海  郑州  洗碗机  成都  饰品  义乌  设备管理系统  广州 


详细说明更新时间:2019-05-27 11:15 浏览次数:46




       Shangchaigufen (Shanghai diesel Limited by Share Ltd) veteran 135 series oil machine is our years of sales in small and medium power units in most diesel engine. Its excellent dynamic performance, stability, reliability, operability and low operation and maintenance cost of the unit selling the essential parts, service and customer service outlets and at the same time response complete Quanguolianbao sufficient, which has long been favored by customers.


MHI generator has strong power, stable operation, high degree of automation. Shanghai MHI company mainly produced by MITSUBISHI heavy technology licensing S6R2/S16R series of various types of engines, products sold in Europe and America market, has also been highly recognized by users in China. Chinese has conformed to the EPA2 emission of land plants and comply with IMO2 emission ship with the diesel engine in the series diesel engine on the platform.







品牌 上柴股份柴油发电机组 单价 150000.00元/台 起订 1 台
供货总量 30 台 发货期限 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货 所在地 四川 成都市

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