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详细说明更新时间:2018-05-28 15:54 浏览次数:56
为深入贯彻落实科学发展观,进一步规范我校后勤管理与服务工作,促进学校的和谐稳定,切实推动学校教书育人、服务育人、管理育人工作的深入开展,根据苏教发[2008]76号《关于开展创建高等学校“文明食堂”和“文明宿舍”活动的通知》文件精神,我校自2008年12月以来积极组织开展 “两个文明”的创建工作。我校党政领导高度重视,明确了“以创促建,以评促改,提升水平,重在育人”的指导思想,确定了创建“江苏省文明食堂,文明宿舍先进学校”的工作目标,成立了创建工作领导小组,制定了实施方案
①售饭机(包括有:台式售饭机、挂式售饭机、卧式售饭机、手持式售饭机、订餐机、 带密码确认消费机)  
Our company independently developed and produced one-card products:
Table type rice machine (including: table type rice machine, hanging type rice machine, horizontal type rice machine, hand-held type rice machine, food ordering machine, password confirmation consumer machine)
Circulating water control machine (including: simple type water control machine, standard type water control machine, one control two water control machine, one control four water control machine)
Press smart water dispenser (including: single bucket simple, single bucket standard, double bucket simple, double bucket standard)
(4) handheld POS machine (include: hand-held mobile consumption, a handheld offline authorization card top-up order machine, hand-held machine, hand-held electronic patrolling, handheld members integral consumption accounted for several machine, hand-held ticket machine, hand-held machine, hand-held mother card authorization prepaid phone, handheld data acquisition machine, hand-held meeting attendance machine, hand-held goods in and out of registration machine, hand-held blasting material machine, hand-held tourism consumption)
Transaction vehicle-mounted charging machines (including: single-sided display normal, single-sided display voice, double-sided display common, double-sided display voice)
2-1/2 attendance machine (including: attendance machine, attendance clearance machine)
Using the tool (including: common type, password door opening, remote control door opening)
After more than 10 years of hard work, the company adheres to the development policy of market-oriented, technological innovation as the core and sincere service to create a brand, and has been at the forefront of the industry. Now we have a cartoon series of equipment and supporting products are the most complete enterprises in the industry. It helps customers to put in place at once and avoid using multiple company systems, causing problems of incompatibility between systems, and making it easier to be in the same department
Efficient management. The company has independently developed the following one-card equipment:
Prior to sales: carry out one-to-one consulting marketing, and have a professional and high-quality team of marketing specialists to make the most reasonable solutions for the practical needs and specific situations of customers.
Throughout the sale: there is a strong technical support elite team and a professional engineering installation team that enables the in-sale service to be better and faster.
After sales: want to users think, urgent user anxious, is our service tenet, to protect the interests of the users, make the system can work normally for a long time, after put into use, we make the following commitment:
We offer one year free warranty for all hardware equipment and replace it within 3 months due to quality problems. System standard version management software upgrade free of charge.
We have a professional elite team of customer service professionals, who visit users regularly once a month to understand the use of the system and answer difficult questions.
Log back to users at least twice a year for routine maintenance.
In response to a request from a customer within 2 hours and resolve the problem within 12 hours.
Iv. Apply the principle of sending products returned by clients to be repaired on the same day as received.
7. Our products have been awarded as "China famous and excellent quality products" by "international quality management system certification center" and "China famous and excellent products selection and evaluation office jointly".
品牌 合创首信 单价 10.00元/套 起订 1 套
供货总量 1000 套 发货期限 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货 所在地 广东 深圳市

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