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比利时Gymna (主动运动健身器)

详细说明更新时间:2018-07-20 16:20 浏览次数:74

比利时Gymna Fitvibe Excel Pro(主动运动健身器)

  • 产品编码:Fitvibe Excel Pro
  • 产品品牌:比利时Gymna
  • Medical treatment protocols
    Full colour dynamic 3D animations

    Customised patient programmes

      FitVibe Excel

      The FitVibe® Excel pro combines ease of use with integrated medical indications.
      The software in the FitVibe® Excel pro assists the therapist in choosing the appropriate protocols and settings.
      Safety, comfort and ergonomics are important pillars in the design and construction.

      The Fitvibe Excel Pro is a top quality vibration platform that combines ease-of-use with intelligence. The complete support programme contains integrated medical indications, a wide range of exercises and a 3D animated coach showing you how to do the exercises . On top of that, the Fitvibe Excel Pro has adjusted frequencies and amplitude to ensure maximum effect and comfort.

      Reasons to choose Fitvibe Excel Pro:

      ■ Complete support programme
      ■ Designed to guarantee a longer lifetime
      ■ Silent
      ■ Vibration free console and floor
      ■ Several features to maximise possible exercises
      ■ Easy access to start/stop buttons
      ■ Ergonomically designed handles
      ■ Strongest plate on the market (holds up to 250kg)

      ■ Frequency range 20-60Hz




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比利时Gymna (主动运动健身器)
品牌 比利时Gymna (主动运动健身器) 单价 面议 起订
供货总量 222 台 发货期限 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货 所在地 江苏 常州市

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