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详细说明更新时间:2017-05-23 16:14 浏览次数:97
           联系人:许老师  13651129768

一、中国·对外经济贸易大学(University of International Business and Economics, China)和美国·西雅图城市大学(City University of Seattle, USA)简介
    对外经济贸易大学创建于1951年,是教育部直属的全国重点大学,国家 “211工程”首批重点建设高校,拥有经、管、文、法四大学科门类,其国际经济与贸易、法学(国际经济法)、金融学、工商管理、外语(商务外语)等专业,优势明显、特色鲜明。学校现有博士后流动站2个,一级学科博士点4个,二级学科博士点30个,一级学科硕士点7个,二级学科硕士点54个,专业硕士授权点9个,本科专业34个。学校现有教职员工1500人,各类注册学生40,000余人。早在1987年,对外经济贸易大学的国际贸易专业和企业管理专业的硕士学位就被美国纽约州教育厅董事会承认为工商管理硕士(MBA)。
    西雅图城市大学(City University of Seattle)成立于1973年,是一所私立、非盈利性的教育机构。它位于美国华盛顿州西雅图市,是美国教育委员会、美国成人和继续教育联合会、美国西北区高校联合会等组织和机构的正式成员,也是美国西海岸最大的私立学校之一,全球注册学生超过13,000名。

    中国·对外经济贸易大学 —— 美国·西雅图城市大学联合举办的MBA项目是国家教育部正式批准的中外合作办学项目(教育部批准书编号:MOE11US1A20101111N)。 该MBA项目在中国已经合办了15年,培养了1500名任职于跨国公司、政府部门和企事业单位的中高端管理人才,其中包括300多名美国波音公司资助的中国民航系统的在职人员。2004年,该MBA项目曾被《经理人》杂志评选为中国10大联合MBA项目品牌。

四、开学时间:2016年07月23日      上课地点:对外经济贸易大学



学员修完全部15门课程并且取得G.P.A. 3.0以上,同时完成个人商业计划之后即可申请由美国·西雅图城市大学颁发的工商管理硕士学位证书(MBA)。该学位可获权威认证(中国留学服务中心)和国家承认。


      Essential of Business Management, Business Communication, (Law and) Economics, Project Management, Managing with Technology, Strategic Marketing, evaluating Financial Information/Managerial Accounting, Strategic Financial Management, People and Systems in Organizations, Business Operation, Business Strategy, Global Leadership, Project Management and Change Agent, HR Management, Environment and Corporate Responsibility
      1、MBA 500 Essential of Business Management  商业管理基础
Successful managers need to understand the fundamentals of business practices within a global context. This course will introduce students to the overall MBA program and the strategies required in preparing a comprehensive and viable business plan. Students will also practice business decision-making through the use of simulations, and practical, analytical and conceptual foundations in team-based learning. Learn how to find relevant data through the use of credible sources will be a main focus of this course, as well as how to effectively communication in writing.
      2、MBA 505 Business Communication  商业沟通
The knowledge, competence and mastery of human communication are essential for success in every business setting. This course introduces you to the power of writing and oral communication within the context of a multi-cultural and diverse business environment. You will learn the most effective methods for communicating information, data, research and ideas to both external and internal stakeholders using various media. 
想要在商业环境中取得成功,关于人际沟通的知识、能力以及掌握都是至关重要的。本门课程将向学生介绍在多元文化以及多样化的商业环境中,书面和口头交流的作用。 学生将学会使用多种媒介与外部及内部利益相关者沟通信息、数据、研究和想法的最有效方式。
      3、MBA 510 (Law and) Economics  经济(与法)
In this course you will study the legal and economic context of business. You will examine the global business environment from many aspects – legal, social, cultural, technological, ethical and economic. The focus will not be on a specific business, but rather concerns of all business operating in a global marketplace. 
      4、MBA 515 Project Management  项目管理
In this course you will study the phases and processes essential for successful project management. You will practice the critical tasks associated with managing a single project, and analyze the opportunities and constraints of managing several projects concurrently. You will evaluate a project portfolio, and make recommendations for projects to best accomplish corporate strategic objectives. 
      5、MBA 520 Managing with Technology  技术管理
Managers need to be familiar with the powerful communications and information systems available to them in order to strategically employ them in the organization. This course introduces you to the complexities of managing with technology within the context of a multi-cultural, diverse and global business environment. Specifically, the roles of information and information processing in support of the organization’s strategic process will be explored. Among the activities in this class, you will: evaluate key classes of systems used in modern business, including their potential impact on business processes; learn key steps in guiding the implementation of new systems, and explore how support systems enhance decision making. 
      6、MBA 525 Strategic Marketing  战略营销
In this course, you will study marketing principles that create competitive advantages in the market place. You will analyze strategies related to product, price, promotion and distribution. This is an application-oriented course. With the knowledge you’ve accumulated, you continue to make strategic decisions, implement them and find out the real-world results of those decisions by working with the business simulation introduced in MBA 500.
      7、MBA 530 evaluating Financial Information/Managerial Accounting  财务信息评估/ 管理会计学
In addition to learning financial accounting theory and financial statement analysis techniques, you will be applying this knowledge through the development of financial statements related to your business plan. This experience will enhance your ability to think and to act like an entrepreneur and manager dealing with a real world business situation. By the time you have finished the MBA program you will have practiced high level executive decision-making across all of the major business functions.
In this course, you will learn to analyze different internal management information to render decisions such as pricing, inventory procurement, make or buy, and production volume. You will also learn to develop budgets and analyze performance against your projections. Your knowledge will be applied while developing the budgets for your business proposal. Presentation of your findings will be emphasized. 
      8、MBA 540 Strategic Financial Management  战略性财务管理
In this course, you will study the theory and practice of business finance from a decision-maker’s perspective. Using quantitative and qualitative tools, you will recommend company strategy relating to capital structure, sources of short-term and long-term capital, and asset management, based on both internal analyses and the influence of financial markets and institutions. Practical applications will help you understand how financial management supports other components of a firm’s overall business strategy. You will explore the different methods of presenting financial information to a range of audiences. You will also learn the special challenges involved in managing the finances of international firms. 
      9、MBA 545 People and Systems in Organizations  企业的人力与系统
In this course you will explore theories of managing people, individual styles in organizations, and the combination of corporate culture and structure that will help a company to achieve its goals. You will study the dynamics of internal politics and how goals are accomplished within an organization. You will have the opportunity to be successful working in a team environment. You will investigate models of leadership, interpersonal communication, diversity, and managing change. You will assess your own skills and plan for the future as you apply all of these concepts to the writing of a business plan. 
      10、MBA 550 Business Operation  商业运营
In this course, you will learn about the design, analysis, planning, and control of business processes to achieve desired performance objectives. Topics include: the relationship between operations strategy and process structure; the impact of process structure on process performance; process performance measures and their relationships; process performance evaluation; managerial levels for improving and controlling process performance and systems; and managerial issues in planning and designing quality assurance systems.
      11、MBA 555 Business Strategy  商业策略
In this course you will study various strategies used in business today, to see what is most appropriate for the specific business plan you have been developing during your degree program. You will analyze several cases, to compare and contrast the details of different types of strategies used successfully and unsuccessfully by various companies. You will explore the ways different strategies can affect marketing, financial conditions, competitive ability, operations, and human resources. The strategy you choose in this course will help you write the next draft of your business plan.
      12、MAL GLB 560 Global Leadership  全球领袖
This course explores global leadership strategies to achieve global competitive advantage. Cross-cultural training, relationship-building, and expatriate management will be examined. You will be exposed to specific leadership and personality traits, methods of processing and classifying information, communication strategies, and training necessary for developing positive presence in the global arena.
      13、PM 513 Project Management and Change Agent  项目管理和变革推动者
Organizations cannot remain static in todays ever-changing business environments. To do so would result in business failure. Projects and project managers aim to address this concern. With the understanding that projects are change endeavors, project managers are change agents and are looked to for leadership in times of business transition. With focus on diagnosing the root causes and need for organizational change, the personal psychology of change, and why change efforts commonly fail, this course enables the student to be an effective contributor and change agent in a constantly changing organization. To accomplish this aim, various organizational change management and business transition theories, concepts, techniques, and interventions are explored. Each student will define differing change management approaches most effectively applied in varying organizational situations and will create a business transition and change management strategy along with an integrated project plan and schedule that addresses the need for change and its interdependencies in complex business systems of today.
      14、MC 584 HR Management  人力资源管理
This course covers the optimum organization and employment of human resources to accomplish strategic organizational objectives; personnel functions in recruitment, selection, training, promotion and succession planning; relevant behavioral research; legal environment; comparison and contrast of the public and private sectors.
      15、MAL GLB 575 Environment and Corporate Responsibility  环境和企业责任
As future business leaders, it is important that students understand the problems that they will be facing as well as the changing landscape in which they will conduct business. This course introduces students to the impacts that both individuals and corporations are having on the environment and helps them understand the urgent need for solutions to today’s environmental problems. Business leaders of both today and tomorrow are going to be faced with unprecedented environmental and social challenges that can no longer be ignored. This course not only presents an overview of environmental problems but challenges students to begin to think about possible solutions.

24小时值班手机:13651129768    电  话:010-68457066 
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在线skype:xymba2010           网  址:http://www.bjedupx.cn

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